Red Roses in Signature Boxes
Red Roses are the ultimate symbol of love. Choose red roses for romantic occasions including Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or just to say “I love you.” Our Signature Line has been created with you in mind, so that you may enhance your gifting experience with a unmatched unboxing experience.
World’s Best Luxury Red Roses
Select the world’s most exquisite long stemmed roses, handcrafted by one of our experienced artisans.
Simple yet opulent, our signature black and gold box holds 24 beautiful luxury Ecuadorian roses, delicately arranged and wrapped in our exclusive tissue paper.
These are the perfect gift for any occasion, and offer an unparalleled gift receiving experience.
All roses are specially treated, and placed into miniature water vials, that ensure maximum freshness and longevity for up to 48 hours, providing assurance that the recipient, will have ample time to get the roses into a vase of fresh water, while they are still fresh and full of beauty.
Add a personalised message, that will be written on luxurious stationary, sealed in a premium black envelope, and placed into your box of roses.
We ensure the complete privacy of your message until it is opened by the recipient.
Stem lengths may vary from 15” – 24” in length.
Box size: L: 25″ W: 10″ H: 3″

John Jarvis –
“The Best Roses”
Used Envie a few times and never disappoint, great Professional service and the Roses really are a different level
Anthony Okewole –
Really happy with the roses
Will definitely recommend and use again
James Critchley –
Valentine’s Day roses
A little sceptical at first before I ordered. Seemed a little bit too heavy on the price and originally saw them on Facebook.
Couldn’t be more wrong. Emails I sent were replied too straight away. Delivered on time. Wife loved them.
Great purchase
Will most certainly purchase them again!!
john smith –
valentine Rose’s
My valentine was over the moon
Andrei Pop –
Very nice flowers
David Bateman –
Beautiful roses
By far the best roses I have ever seen and the packaging was stunning
Neil Evans –
My Girlfriend friend loved them , absolutely stunning roses, packaging looks awesome, will definitely be ordering again… thank you so much
William B –
When delivery was all messed up though no fault of their own; Envie Roses did everything to make it the purchase right. Sent new flowers and such just to make my wife happy. I will definitely be buying more in the future.
Envie Roses –
Thank you William, we are glad you’re happy and we appreciate your kind words. We look forward to future orders from you and your friends.
Karina Guilford –
Best flower delivery service!
The quality of the flowers is excellent. The flowers lasted for over two weeks! Delivery was on time. The presentation is amazing. I would recommend this business 10 times out of 10!!
Sukhvinder –
Just Wow 🌹
Flowers were fresh and delivered it on time 😍